About Us

Loyalist College is one of the top 50 Colleges in Canada for applied research. The Centre for Natural Products (CNP) is an innovation hub within Loyalist College with expertise in plant-based technologies.

The CNP specializes in working with start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to transform research results into high-quality and innovative products and processes in the natural products, agri-tech and cannabis sectors.

We have developed a great network of partners including academia, industry and community organizations to encourage interdisciplinary research and to help solve industry challenges

We are also supported by an Advisory Board of industry experts. Click here to meet the Board.

As Canada’s only National Technology Access Centre for Natural Products and Cannabis, we are uniquely positioned to help clients leverage funding programs and supports for our services. Click here to see our history of funding success.

Loyalist College was the first college in Canada to have a laboratory licensed by Health Canada to conduct cannabis research and analytical testing, and the first college in Ontario to have a research license renewed for five years and analytical license renewed for three years.